Professional emotional support
 for new parents
Lactation consultant
Professional emotional support for new parents with young children (birth - 3y)
Practical lactation support in your breastfeeding journey - 
helping in the beggining, through the process or ending breastfeeding. 
GSM - +371 29194381 / [email protected] 

Emotional support 

So often right after the newly born baby and so the mother, they stay alone with all the extra care and mental, emotional load and daily chores. It can happen that for the main caregiver (usually its new mom) in situations like these all the joy from the excited new situation you longed for can really fade away pretty soon! 

So what we already know - new parents really value and appreciate that there is somebody who can just be there and listen to them without judgement and unsolicited advice. 

There is so much newness and so many emotions and it all comes so suddenly. It is normal that you can feel scared, happy, lonely and frustrated at the same time. 

Maybe you feel really ok, but would appreciate if someone would just be there, listen how are you feeling and how are you doing and really validate that! Because i am sure - you already do a great job!

And so if you also encounter any of the following, similar or completely other situations, i really can be there for you :

if your newborn...

  • baby is crying so much that is hard to handle;
  • baby wont sleep much;
  • you as a new mom/new parent are/is too tired and so emotional it is hard to sort through and get over;
  • you have a feeling that you are not doing good enough that your baby wond calm down or wont want to nurse;

 ...or a bit later in infancy  ..

  • a baby wont let mom away in her errands;
  • a baby is too emotional , is angru, hitting, biting, spiting;
  • a child does not eat anything that you are serving him/her ;
  • a child has become an older brother or sister - new baby is at home;
  • it is time for a potty training, but you are feeling that there could be a problem with that ;

This is just a tiny part of all the possible situations every parent can encounder during the first years of rising a little humans. 

Although we read so much and already know a lot of how to do things in a right way, we also worry so much and question ourselves at the same time. I like the saying - "If it costs you your peace of mind, it is already too expensive!". 

I offer a session of emotional support and guidance, if neccessary regarding the topic you are currently encountering. 

So - do not hesitate to contact me, tell me what is on your mind and book a session! 

Session price: 

Videocall session - 1 hour - 60eur / 67 dollars 

Videocall session - 1,5 hour - 90eur / 97 dollars 

In person / home visit (available in Latvia) - 1,5hour - 60eur +travel costs *

*it can also be as a stroller walk with safe distancing and meeting all the epidemiological precautions! 

Lactation support

There are so many reasons to love breastfeeding and still it looks easier than it can be in reality.

If you have any of the struggles mentioned below or something comletely differrent - just message me and I`ll try my best to support and help you: 

  •  "I think I do not produce enough milk for my baby!"

  • "I tried to pump today and I got so little out of it. I am worried if my baby gets enough to be satieted and for his proper development at the moment?"

  • "Help! My breasts are so sore and nursing hurts so much!"
  •  "I think my baby eats too often/ too much? Is it normal to be at breast so many times during the day?"
  •  "Could it be that my milk is not tasty or too skim?"
  •  "Help, I have swollen and painful breasts this morning? What should I do now to feel better?"
  •  " I wand to exclusively breastfeed my baby, but we have already had some days with formula in hospital, because baby did not put on enough weight!"
  • " Is it ok for babt to fall asleep while nursing?" 
  • " How can I wean my baby off of breast as gently as possible?"

My lactation support session price:

Video consultations - 1 hour - 60 eur

In person / home visits - 60 eur + travel costs (i live in Skriveri, LV5125)

includes around 1-1,5h at home visit + 2week support remotely

 I will be glad to help you and support you in your breastfeeding journey in whatever point you are at right now!